Creating an identity for the National Black Police Association (NBPA) conference

The NBPA association is vital in creating a more diverse, equitable and inclusive culture within the police and wider community. C+H Collective worked with the Gloucestershire Constabulary to brand the 2022 National Black Police Association Conference, held in Cheltenham 2022.

Bringing together inspiring speakers such as former cricketer Azeem Rafiq and former detective turned writer and advocate Kevin Maxwell. The opportunity was to design the overall look for the conference using the existing logo for the NBPA as a graphical steer. The branding would need to be applied to all their digital comms, as well as branding the event at Cheltenham racecourse and Tivoli cinema.

It was a pleasure to work with Natasha from NR Events and her team who organised the whole event and together bring the branding to life through video stings, large displays and the multiple layers of collateral needed for an event like this.

We would also like to credit Mikal Ludlow for the conference photography shown here.